What are the Problems Associated with Flat Feet?

Arch lift is one of the best exercises used in strengthening the foot. It’s very easy to perform if you follow simple instructions. It helps in maintaining and shaping the arches of the human foot. Actually, each foot has 3 arches. They include the medial longitudinal arch, lateral longitudinal arch and the transverse arch. You’ve got to discover how to exercise the arches in order to maintain strong and healthy feet. Given below are simple steps you need to take when engaging in arch lift exercise:

Step #1 – Get Your Legs and Feet Aligned
You can start by standing or sitting down. If you’re standing, you have to keep your legs and feet in a parallel position. If you’re sitting down, you have to keep your shins in an upward and downward straight position. This will make the angle of your ankle look as if you’re using the standing option.

Step #2 - Start Lifting the Arches
Once you’re in the position described above, the next step you have to take is to lift your arches. You have to start by keeping your toes well relaxed. Then, you have to pull the ball of your foot and that of your heel together. This will allow your foot to stay on the floor. You’ll get a feeling as if your heel is actually scooping underneath the ball of your foot. At this point, your foot may not move but the shape is sure to change. Your arches will start lifting immediately.

Step #3 – Release the Arches
There are several possible causes of flat feet. Actually some individuals do develop the condition right from birth or early childhood days. Others don’t have it until they become adults. For some obese people, their excess weight may damage the tendon which supports the arch at the bottom of their feet. Once the tendon damages or gets torn, flat feet are bound to occur. In any case, there are other causes of flat feet. Let’s outline them:

Once your arches are lifted as described above, you have to release them. You’ll then restart the exercise afresh. You have to repeat it 3 to 5 times to get better result. You can engage in the exercise at several intervals within the day. You don’t need to crack your brain since it’s very easy to do. You can easily engage in it at anytime and in anyplace. All you need is to follow the steps described above. In all, arch lift exercise is meant to help you maintain healthy and strong feet. If you engage in the exercise regularly, you may not encounter any kind of arch pain on your feet. You may not even experience any other kind of pain associated with the human feet. If for any reason you’re confused about the arch lift exercise, you can consult your podiatrist for further assistance.

Certain kinds of diseases can lead to flat feet especially when they are not treated in time. Among them include diabetes, cancer and arthritis.

Protect Your Feet While Exercising
When you engage in physical exercises like walking, jogging or running, you need to watch your feet. You need to protect your feet from injuries that may occur especially when you engage in strenuous exercise. If you’re engaging in daily walking, you need to walk erect to help your feet. If you’re running or jogging, you need to avoid putting too much pressure on your feet. If you’re engaging in strenuous activities, you need to control the weight you place on your feet. You must allow blood to flow on your feet as you exercise.

Body Conditions
If you’re a lady and you’re pregnant, you may develop flat feet as a result of the hormonal changes going on in your body. If you’re growing old as a person, you have chances of developing flat feet especially when you keep gaining extra weight.

Flat feet come with diverse symptoms. You may develop diverse kinds of leg problems if you’re suffering from the condition. This is because people suffering from flat feet tend to roll their feet inwards as they walk. Their lower legs will strive to maintain the balance. This usually leads to pains in the knees, ankles and lower legs. Your shoes will be wearing down quickly if you’re having flat feet. You’ll also be experiencing lower leg pain on regular basis. Your ankle will always hurt on the inside. You’ll also experience swollen ankle from time to time.

Flat feet can be treated. You need to take precaution if you’re suffering from the condition. You can start by wearing arch support to lift your feet. You can buy shoes with arch support and wear them regularly. This will cushion your feet and also reduce the pains. If the condition is caused by your obese nature, you need to lose weight as quick as possible. This can address the situation. You can also wear ankle brace to reduce the swellings and pains. If you try these suggestions and the condition still persists, you need to see a podiatrist for proper treatment.

You can easily deal with flat fleet by discovering the right steps to take. Here are recommended tips: • You need to be wearing shoes that have arch support. When next you go out to buy shoes, ask the vendor to give you shoes with arch support. • You can also purchase and wear stable shoes with medial posts. You can also go for shoes that are controlled by motion. • You need to avoid wearing shoes that have reduced support and much cushioning • You should also avoid running on uneven surfaces. Finally, you can consult a podiatrist if you can’t handle the condition. You’re sure to get proper treatment if you meet with a reliable medical professional.

Flat feet come with diverse symptoms. You may develop diverse kinds of leg problems if you’re suffering from the condition. This is because people suffering from flat feet tend to roll their feet inwards as they walk. Their lower legs will strive to maintain the balance. This usually leads to pains in the knees, ankles and lower legs. Your shoes will be wearing down quickly if you’re having flat feet. You’ll also be experiencing lower leg pain on regular basis. Your ankle will always hurt on the inside. You’ll also experience swollen ankle from time to time.

Other Resources:
Combat Boots - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_boot